Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Hindu Scriptures and Archeoastronomy

Hindu Scriptures and Archaeoastronomy

It is interesting to read an article of Shri Subhash Kak on Contribution Of Hindu Scriptures To Archaeoastronomy

He has argued well to place the Brahmans in 2000-1000 BC and concluded that Vedic and Harappan periods were identical (2600-1900 BC), deferring with the chronology proposed by Max Muller regarding Rigveda to 1200-1000 BC, the other Vedic texts to 1000-800 BC and the Brahmanas to 800-600 BC.

However, the sources (archeological-literature), age (bronze- iron), the culture (urban-rural), language (picture language/undesiphered-Sanskrit), animals (elephants, buffalos - horses, cows), weapons (primitive-advanced), worship (nature-Devas), death ritual (burials-cremation), look (short, black- tall, fare), etc, many differences have been recorded between Indus Valley civilisation and Vedic Civilisation.

Indus Valley civilisation, for sure, the civilisation of the original inhabitants of India (on the bank of river Sindhu and adjacent areas) and the Vedic civilisation may have been grown from their bordering places (probably the west) and then spread over the country towards east and south east. There are common hymns in Rigveda and in Avesta. There are similarities of Gods of Romans and Gods of Vedas. There are similarities in astronomy of Greeks and astronomy of Vedic age.

The horned God in Vajrasana surrounded by a tiger, an elephant, a rhinoceros, and a buffalo found on a Harappan seal is the only trace of religion of Indus Valley civilisation, which may be named Pashupatinath Lord Shiva or the Lord of Death, the Yama. It was the merger of Harappan religion and Vedic religion into the new Hinduism of the post Vedic period.

If Indus-Vedic period placed in the same period, then both must have developed on different lands for the same period. If considered the same land and place the Vedic period farther as argued, then Indus Valley civilisation to be dated prior to that.

It is interesting to note that, 75,000 years ago after Toba (Indonesia) Super Volcanic Eruption, following by global volcanic winter, Homosapien population in the world had gone down to 1000-10,000. In 10000 BC, it was approximately 2 million, rose to 45 million in 3000 BC; at that time, how best were the brains, who had just look at the world around; observed the stars, planets, seasons and their cycles and described the secrets of the Nature and God cleverly!!!

17 January 2017


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