Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Estonia, the feel of Medieval Culture and History

Estonia, the feel of medieval culture and history

Estonia; a Baltic Sea country, 45227 sqm area (equal to Kutch), 1200 lakes, 300 islands, 400 rivers (longer than 10 kms) 1.35 million population, 96 years old Republic, freed from Soviet Union in 1991; is another exciting location in northern Europe. People made a long chain of 600 kms in demand of freedom from Soviet Union in 1991. It carrys history of 7000 years, ruled by Sweden, German and Russian rule for 700 years before its freedom in 1917 and 1991.

They feel proud of Suar Munamagi (big egg), the only mountain they have with 314 metre height, because their neighbours don't have mountains! Peipsi the biggest lake of the country divided between Estonia and Russia

Only 20% people do farm activities with mechanised agriculture. It has 40% forest cover. There are animals; deers, wild bores, wolves, foxes etc. 300 types of birds are seen here, some of them travel to Gujarat in winter!

People love to live in beautiful cottage bungalows, build beautiful houses. Good tasty food and liquor are their 'Jivan Saathi'. Old tallinn and vin (vodka) are popular liquor. Old tallinn, sweet in taste and contained 48% alcohol considered good for health as it is made from herbs. If you feel like fever, prefer vodka to peracitamol.

Tallinn, the biggest city of the country with 400,000 people cosidered one of the 10 digital cities of the world. All citizens get all most all services through the mobile. Its E governance Academy has drawn attention of the e-World.

People when wish each other say, "ter v sex". Foreigners laugh, but it means wishing good health.

When you say how are you to an estonian, he will reply 'nornal', not good, not bad.

Estonian people are mostly protestants, follow lethuanian church. But they are nature lover. Hugging tree is considered good as it gives good health.

Russians (24%) follow orthodox. Estonian people don't hate Russians but don't like them also.

Beware of the pick pocketers. Don't keep your wallet in back pockets. You may loss it in the hand of romanian, russian or estonian. It is a middle class economy country. Visit, see the country side, enjoy food and drink and travel to the next destination.


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